April 25, 2021 Sermon Notes

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(Doug Cullen - April 25, 2021)

Series Big Idea: "Every life is worth the fight"

Sermon Big Idea: "Life is precious, valuable, sacred, and needs to be protected"

Key Scripture (Ephesians 2:10)

How it all began: God began to give Doug a heart for the message of LIFE in the spring of 1993, when I heard the moving testimony of Gianna Jessen, a young girl who had survived being aborted, and her testimony changed our lives. God began preparing me then for what He has called me to today.

In 2001, I received the call to full time ministry while attending Key Largo Baptist Church, in Florida. I also felt God calling us to give up our home and business in Florida, and to move to Kentucky, in order to attend Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.

While attending Clear Creek Baptist Bible College our family attended church at Mill Creek Baptist Church in Stoney Fork, Ky. And in 2004, I received the call to start Choose Life Ministries and to begin traveling and sharing a Biblical worldview of life across the Nation. When Choose Life Ministries started out in the summer of 2004, I was still in Bible college and we traveled as a family of five. I shared the message with the adults, Cliff spoke to the youth, Caitlyn shared in sign language and song, and also helped Crystal and Joli with the children’s ministry. My two oldest boys, Conrad and Christopher, did not travel in ministry with us. They are twins and have been serving in the Navy since 2000.

I graduated from Clear Creek Baptist Bible College in 2005, and our family gave up our home to begin traveling full time as a family of five in 2006. I served as an MSC missionary with NAMB for six years, and now currently serve with the Kentucky Southern Baptist Convention Missions. In July of 2018, Choose Life Ministries finished our thirteenth year of ministry and has spoken in approximately 1100 churches in 34 states.

Purpose: Choose Life Ministries purpose is to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nation and the world through the message of the sanctity of human life. My desire is to see people come to know Jesus Christ through the sanctity of human life message.

Vision: Choose Life Ministries desires to reach this generation helping them know the absolute TRUTH of God’s Word, and equipping them to impact their culture and their generation.

Mission: The mission of Choose Life Ministries is to go across the nation speaking to the church in order to build a culture of life through the truths of God’s Word, where all people are welcomed and valued and protected, especially those who live at the mercy of others. The call is to the church; to educate and equip the church (the body of Christ) to uphold biblical truth and to uphold life. We are seeking opportunities to share the message He has given us.


If you would like to know more about and donate to the Choose Life Ministries please click the link below:

Choose Life Ministries


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