October 13, 2024 Sermon

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(Grace Beyond Measure) - October 13,2024)

Series Big Idea: "God’s patience is vast and purposeful, but His justice will not be delayed forever"

Sermon Big Idea: "No sin is too great for redemption"

Key Scripture (1 Timothy 1:12-17)

When I was young, I would often sit in front of the television and watch the great painter Bob Ross transform a blank canvas into a breathtaking masterpiece? His skills almost seemed to come naturally, but truth be known they were honed through years of practice and purpose. Much like a magnificent artist, God is at work in us, with intention and grace. Today, as we talk about God’s patience, I want us to focus on 1 Timothy 1:16 and uncover God's transformative work in our lives.

I believe this passage can teach us the profound truth that Jesus uses us as examples of His patience and grace to others, calling us to a life of transformation and testimony. Paul was writing to Timothy, a young leader in the early church, in the middle of some challenges and false teachings in a place called Ephesus. Let's focus on the key verse 1 Timothy 1:16. This verse serves as a testimony of Paul's life and a message for all believers.

(1 Timothy 1:12-17)

I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, appointing me to the ministry— 13 one who was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an arrogant man. But I received mercy because I acted out of ignorance in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord overflowed, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 15 This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” —and I am the worst of them. 16 But I received mercy for this reason, so that in me, the worst of them, Christ Jesus might demonstrate His extraordinary patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

Paul's Transformation from Persecutor to Apostle Shows Christ's Vast Patience and Grace (v. 12-14)

Paul’s conversion story in Acts 9 is a testimony of God's unwavering mercy and extraordinary patience. He refers to himself as the "worst of sinners." Here, we see Paul's self-awareness and humility. Before his conversion, Paul, formerly Saul, was a zealous persecutor of Christians. His transformation on the road to Damascus serves as an example of how God's grace can change even the hardest of hearts.

Consider for a moment the transformation of John Newton, the author of "Amazing Grace." He was once a slave trader, but experienced a profound conversion, becoming a devoted servant of Christ. His life, much like Paul's, shows the incredible power of divine mercy. Our past mistakes do not disqualify us from being used for His kingdom. God desires to transform us into examples of His mercy.

God Displays His Work Through Us to Reach Others (v.15)

Paul's transformation serves a purpose beyond his own salvation. His life was meant to be an example for those who would believe in Jesus. It highlights Christ's "immense patience" as a living example for others. The Lord's intention is to provide hope and assurance. No one is beyond the reach of His grace.

Our lives can reflect God’s patience and grace, encouraging others in their faith journey. Reflect on the areas of your life where you feel distant from God. Remember, just as He was patient with Paul, He is patient with you. Embrace Him and let His mercy transform you.

Our Transformation Points Others to Eternal Life (v.16-17)

Paul’s life showed that no one is too far from God’s reach and that through Christ, eternal life is accessible. This passage points to a broader invitation for all who witness Paul's story. The example of mercy displayed in Paul invites others to "believe in him and receive eternal life." The mercy shown to one can spark faith in many.

Think about the impact of a single candle in a dark room. It not only illuminates but also invites others to light their candles. Every testimony of transformation is an invitation for others to seek the light of Christ.


Christ Jesus uses patience and grace to transform us and that our lives become a testament to others. We are called to live transformed lives that point to His mercy and the promise of eternal life. I challenge you to commit to being examples through whom God’s work is displayed to the world. Be encouraged by Paul’s transformation and remember that God is not done with us yet!

Pastor Beaver's thoughts and ideas are inspired by:

Holman Christian Standard Bible

English Standard Version Bible

King James Version Bible

Christian Standard Bible

Barton, Bruce et al. Life Application New Testament Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2001. Print.

Walvoord, John F., and Roy B. Zuck, Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985. Print.

MacArthur, John F., Jr. The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006. Print.

Smith, Jerome H. The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge: The Most Complete Listing of Cross References Available Anywhere- Every Verse, Every Theme, Every Important Word. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson, 1992. Print.

Robertson, A.T. Word Pictures in the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1933. Print.

Vincent, Marvin Richardson. Word Studies in the New Testament. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1887. Print.

Richards, Lawrence O. The Bible Reader’s Companion. electronic ed. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1991. Print.

Lea, Thomas D., and Hayne P. Griffin. 1, 2 Timothy, Titus. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992.


Koessler, John M. “1 Timothy.” The Moody Bible Commentary, edited by Michael A. Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham, Moody Publishers, 2014, p. 1896.


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