February 18, 2024 Sermon

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(The New Way: No Condemnation - february 18,2024)

Series Big Idea: "The gospel of Jesus Christ gives believers a new way of life - abundant life through Holy Spirit"

Sermon Big Idea: "Since believers died with Christ, the law no longer condemns them for violating God's standards"

Key Scripture (Romans 8:1-4)

(Romans 8:1-4)

Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit's law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. What the law could not do since it was limited by the flesh, God did. He condemned sin in the flesh by sending His own Son in flesh like ours under sin’s domain, and as a sin offering, in order that the law’s requirement would be accomplished in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

The Greek word for “Spirit” or “spirit” is found some twenty-one times in Romans 8. There are more references to the Holy Spirit in this passage than any other of the chapters in the Apostle Paul’s letters put together. Surprisingly he only used these words five times in the previous seven chapters. In these chapters, he discussed the fact that justification is by faith alone, based on God’s overwhelming grace alone. So, what we see in chapter 8 is Paul’s most complete discussion on new life in the Spirit.

The new life of the Spirit, made possible through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, brings deliverance from the old bondage to sin and death. That is why Paul starts this passage with the theme of “freedom.” He said, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ” (v. 1).

There are two laws he mentions in the first two verses. The first is the law of sin and death which is discussed in (Romans 7:14-25). This law is always just around the corner and ready at any moment to challenge every desire for the believer to do right (Romans 7:21). It is a spiritual warfare that is relentless and attempts to take captive the one who is striving to fulfill God’s law (Romans 7:22-23) causing him to cry out in despair (Romans 7:24). But this cry may become their hope, “because the Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus.” This law of the Spirit breaks the power of the old law of sin and death. It is through Jesus Christ that people are set free! How exactly does this happen? Verse 3 tells us.

The law is indeed God-given, but the law itself can’t provide people with the moral power to obey. It was God who acted on our behalf, “What the law could not do since it was limited by the flesh, God did. He condemned sin in the flesh by sending His own Son in flesh like ours under sin’s domain, as a sin offering” (Romans 8:3). This is the Gospel!

God acted on our behalf by sending Jesus His Son. The way Christ came to the earth is described in the phrase, “in flesh like ours.” This is the incarnation of Christ. Jesus became one with us in our humanity. He lived 33 years among us. But Paul made sure he described this truth in a way that spotlighted the sinlessness of Jesus. Christ didn’t come as a sinner. That is blasphemy. Christ came “as a sin offering.” This is what we call the atonement. Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus accomplished our deliverance by condemning sin in the flesh.

Flesh is regarded as the domain in which sin reigns. Christ invaded that domain! In His death on the cross, He bore the full rage of the tragic power of sin. And it was through His victory over death and His resurrection that He condemned sin in its turf. God passed sentence on sin in the very area where it had staked its claim.


The Apostle Paul was not saying that believers since they are empowered by the Holy Spirit, were saved by keeping the Law. That would be salvation by works. What he taught was that it is the power of the indwelt Holy Spirit that makes it possible for believers to keep the requirements of His Law. The Holy Spirit works from within each believer urging him or her to the conduct that fulfills the law. This behavior or conduct is a lifestyle. It is the habits of living and thinking that characterize our lives (Luke 1:6) (Ephesians 4:17) (1 John 1:7). So, since all Christians are in-dwelt with the Holy Spirit (v. 9), they will manifest the fruit of the Spirit in their lives (Galatians 5:22-23).

Pastor Beaver's thoughts and ideas are inspired by:

Holman Christian Standard Bible

English Standard Version Bible

King James Version Bible

Christian Standard Bible

Walvoord, John F., and Roy B. Zuck, Dallas Theological Seminary. The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures. Victor Books, 1985.

Richards, Lawrence O. The Bible Reader’s Companion. Electronic ed., Victor Books, 1991.

Jamieson, Robert, et al. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997.

Blum, Edwin A., and Trevin Wax, editors. CSB Study Bible: Notes. Holman Bible Publishers, 2017.

Morris, Leon. The Epistle to the Romans. W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press, 1988.

Barry, John D., et al. Faithlife Study Bible. Lexham Press, 2012, 2016.

Dockery, David S., editor. Holman Concise Bible Commentary. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998.

Water, Mark. Key Word Commentary: Thoughts on Every Chapter of the Bible. AMG Publishers, 2003.

Brannan, Rick, and Israel Loken. The Lexham Textual Notes on the Bible. Lexham Press, 2014.

Barton, Bruce, et al. Life Application New Testament Commentary. Tyndale, 2001.

MacArthur, John F., Jr. The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006.

Radmacher, Earl D., et al. Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary. T. Nelson Publishers, 1999.

Smith, Jerome H. The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge: The Most Complete Listing of Cross References Available Anywhere- Every Verse, Every Theme, Every Important Word. Thomas Nelson, 1992.

Kruse, Colin G. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Edited by D. A. Carson, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; Apollos, 2012.

Boa, Kenneth, and William Kruidenier. Romans. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000.

Moo, Douglas J. Romans. Zondervan Publishing House, 2000.

Mounce, Robert H. Romans. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995.

MacGorman, J.W. Layman's Bible Book Commentary, Romans, 1 Corinthians. Copyright 1980 Broadman Press, Print

Pate, C. Marvin. Romans. Edited by Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton, Baker Books, 2013.

Newell, William R. Romans Verse-by-Verse. Christian Classics Ethereal Library, n.d.

Brooks, Keith. Summarized Bible: Complete Summary of the New Testament. Logos Bible Software, 2009.

Hughes, Robert B., and J. Carl Laney. Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary. Tyndale House Publishers, 2001.


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